Basic elements of the HohCampus portal

The basic elements for using the HohCampus portal are described here: Header bar, navigation elements, homepage, footer bar. How these are displayed depends on the width of the browser window (responsive display).

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Responsive display

The HohCampus display automatically adapts to the width of the browser window: The narrower the browser window, the smaller some elements are displayed (e.g. university logo and menu search field) and the more elements are hidden or moved to the hamburger menu (see below).


Depending on the width of the browser window, the header contains different numbers of elements. The following images show the two extreme states with the largest and smallest size (wide and very narrow browser window) – first when you are logged in and then when you are not logged in. There are transitional states between these extremes of window width.

Screenshot of the header with a wide browser window (logged into HohCampus). All 11 elements are numbered. (Explanations in the website text)
The HohCampus header with a wide browser window when you are logged onto HohCampus.



Screenshot of the header in a very narrow browser window (logged onto HohCampus). Only six of the 11 elements are visible and have the same numbers as in the wide display. (Explanations in the website text)
The HohCampus header with a narrow browser window when you are logged onto HohCampus.



Screenshot of the header in a very narrow browser window (not logged onto HohCampus). Only six of the 11 elements are visible and have the same numbers as in the wide display. (Explanations in the website text)
The HohCampus header with a wide browser window when you are not logged onto HohCampus.



Screenshot of the header in a very narrow browser window (not logged onto HohCampus). Only six of the 11 elements are visible and have the same numbers as in the wide display. (Explanations in the website text)
The HohCampus header with a narrow browser window if you are not logged onto HohCampus.


The individual elements are explained below with reference to the numbering in the images:

1) Hamburger menu (three-line symbol): contains the menu options, see also Navigation section.

2) Homepage (house symbol): goes back to the HohCampus homepage.

3) Bookmark (star symbol): opens the bookmark menu.

4) University logo: click to go to the homepage of the University of Hohenheim

5) Menu search (search the menu; input field with magnifying glass symbol): used to search for menu items. It is sufficient to type any part of the name of a menu option to find the option. The menu search is moved to the hamburger menu if the browser window is too narrow.

6) Role selection list (change role; drop-down field): is only available if you are logged in and have more than one role. The active role is displayed; if you click on it, a selection list with all available roles is opened. The role selection list is moved to the hamburger menu if the browser window is too narrow, menu path “Service > Personal settings > Overview and role”.

7) Person details: Some personal details are displayed here: First and last name, username, matriculation number if applicable, current role. You can also change the hotkey base for bookmark shortcuts and enlarge or reduce the size of the header.

8) Infobox: Displaying portal notifications.

9) Session countdown: is only displayed if you are logged in and the browser window is not too narrow. The countdown indicates in how many minutes you will be automatically logged out.

10) Logout button: is only displayed if you are logged in. If the browser window is too small, you can use the logout option in the menu.

11) Language selection buttons: allows you to switch the portal language between German (DE) and English (EN).

12 - 14) Input fields for username and password as well as login button: are only displayed if you are not logged in. If the browser window is too small, the fields are displayed when you click on the login symbol (15).

15) Login symbol: is only displayed if you are logged in and the browser window is not too narrow. If you click on the symbol, the input fields for logging in to HohCampus (12 - 14) are displayed.


You can use these tools to call up the homepageor menu options in HohCampus:

Hamburger menu

Header element, for description see there (element no. 1). The menu contains all the options that the current role can call up. If the browser window is narrow, some elements are moved from the header and footer to the menu.

Horizontal navigation bar

Screenshot of the horizontal navigation bar. (Explanations in the website text)

This navigation bar contains the same options as the hamburger menu. If the browser window falls below a certain width, it is automatically hidden. You can also hide it in your personal settings by making the header line smaller (see FAQ).

Menu search

Header element, for description see there (element no. 5).

Homepage button

Header element, for description see there (element no. 2). There is also a start page button in the horizontal navigation bar (see above).


Header element, for description see there (element no. 3).

You can set up bookmarks for any menu items. In some cases, bookmarks also work for HohCampus pages that cannot be called up directly as menu items, e.g. search result lists for projects searches.
To set up a bookmark, first call up the page to which the bookmark should lead. Then click on the star symbol in the header and then on Create bookmark. You can change the name and description of the bookmark and select a number for the keyboard shortcut. To call up the bookmark using the shortcut key, press and hold the hotkey or hotkey combination (see description of header, element no. 7) and then also press the selected number.
To subsequently edit or delete a bookmark, click on the star symbol Manage bookmarks.


Screenshot of a Quicklinks portlet

One or more quicklinks portlets (portlet = box module) are displayed on the homepage of some roles. These contain colored tiles that lead to certain menu options or sometimes external websites. If your currently selected role has the right to customize the homepage, you can customize the quick links yourself.

Breadcrumb navigation

Screenshot of the breadcrumb navigation (explanations in the website text)

If you have called up a menu item, you will usually see the menu path of the current page below the header and can jump to any point on this path by clicking on it.


The HohCampus homepage is usually designed individually for each role. It contains tiles, referred to as portlets, which have different functions, e.g. quick links (see above under Navigation), (portal) messages, recently used menu items, or important information of various kinds.

The start page can be divided into tabs. For example, on the homepage for anonymous users (those who are not logged in to HohCampus), there is a separate tab with specific information and functions for each user group.

Some roles offer the option of personalizing the start page. You can find more information on the corresponding help pages.


In the footer you will find some general information such as the legal notice and data protection information. The language can also be selected here. Most elements of the footer can be found in the hamburger menu (see above, section Header) if the browser window is narrow. If the browser window is wide, you will also find a note in the footer according to the following scheme:

“Generated by node hiotc[number] in cluster prod.”

This is a technical specification that may help HohCampus support to analyze an error.

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