Title | X | You can search for the title of a publication here. You can omit a definite or indefinite article at the beginning of the title in the search to get fewer search results. You can search for a keyword from the title, and you can search for several keywords with &. |
Authors or editors | X | You can search for names of authors or editors in this field. When entering publications, the persons are always entered as they are named on the publication, so there may be several different name variants for one person. If you want to search for a unique name, it is sufficient to enter the last name. First and last name are automatically truncated when using the search for this field, e.g. if you enter Stein, all names containing this word are searched, so Steiner, Steinmann, etc. will also be found. The same applies to entering a letter for the first name, e.g. A. Entering Stein & A searches for all names containing the term Stein and whose first name begins with the letter A. In this field you can also search for organizations that have been entered with author or editor function in the publication. |
Organizational unit | X | In this field you can search for internal organizational units assigned to authors as affiliations. Enter either the name of the department, e.g., Animal Nutrition, or the department number, e.g., 460a, to find publications involving individuals in that department. |
Publication year | X | Here you can search for publications by year of publication. If you want to search a period, then connect the years with ::, e.g. 2019::2020. |
Publication type | X | Pick the publication type you want to search for from the drop-down menu. |
Identifier | X | You can search for the identifier of a publication in this field, for example for a DOI or an ISBN. |
Parent publication | X | Here you can enter the title of an anthology, conference proceedings, or integrating resource (which is a publication that is continually updated, such as a loose-leaf collection, website, or blog) and get a list of the papers it contains. If you do not want to display the parent (higher-level) publication articles, but the anthology itself, then please search in the field Title. |
Journal or newspaper
| X | In this field you can enter the title of a journal, and a list of articles contained in this journal will be displayed. If you would like to view information about the journal, you can (in the role Staff HOH or Department Administrator HOH) select edit journals in the menu research under publications and search for the journal title there. |
Series | X | Here you can search for the title of a publication series, and you will then receive a list of the publications published in this series included in HohCampus. |
Publisher | X | You can search for a publisher name in this field. You will be shown a list of publications from this publisher that are included in the system. If you would like to view information about the publisher, you can (in the role Staff HOH or Department Administrator HOH) select edit publishers in the menu research under publications and search for the publisher there. |
Subject areas (according to Destatis) | | Publications are assigned by subject when they are recorded. The basis for subject classification is the system of the Federal Statistical Office. If you want to search for publications by subject, you can enter a term from the classification system, e.g.plant production, in this field and get a list of titles assigned to it. |
Research areas | | According to the core data set for research, research areas are defined, interdisciplinary topics. If research areas have been entered for publications, you can search for them here and display a list of publications that are assigned to the research area you are looking for. |
Research focuses of the university
| | Publications that have been assigned to the university's priority research fields can be found using this search. |
Research category (only Faculty W) | | This field was set up specifically for Faculty W and is required for internal faculty queries. |
Focus topic for Faculty W | | This field was set up specifically for Faculty W and is required for internal faculty queries. |
Conference | | If you want to know which contributions of a certain conference are already recorded, you can enter the conference name in this field and you will get a list of the contributions. |
Keywords | | Here you can search for a keyword. Keywords are not standardized and are determined by the respective authors themselves. |
Article number | | Some journals use article numbers for their articles instead of a continuous page numbering system. These article numbers are entered when the articles are recorded and can be searched for in this field. |
Number of pages | | If you want to search for the number of pages of a publication, possibly in combination with another search criterion, you can use this search field. Here you can also work with search operators, e.g. >300 (searches for publications with more than 300 pages) or <300 (searches for publications with fewer than 300 pages). |
Document type | | In this field, you can select a document type from the drop-down menu that you would like to search for. You can combine this search with a publication type, for example journal article and as document type scientific article. |
Access rights | | In this search field, you can specify whether you want to search for open access publications, embargoed access publications, or publications with restricted access rights (=empty field). As the Embargoed Access option has only been available since 06 November 2024, we advise that you search for the restricted access right with both variants, i.e. once with the term Embargoed Access and once with an empty field. |
Peer-reviewed | | If you would like to search for publications that have undergone peer review (or exclude publications with peer review), you can do so here. |
Type of qualification document | | Select the type of university publication you want to search for from the drop-down menu. The options are: Dissertation, habilitation thesis, Bachelor's thesis, Diplom thesis, Master's thesis, state examination thesis, research paper. |
| | Here you can select one or more languages if you want to search for publications by language. |
Processing status | | You have the option in this field to limit your search to publications that are in data entry, going through validation, validated, or migrated. |
Visibility | | Select a visibility setting from the drop-down menu if you want this to be one of your search criteria. |
Change requests exist | | Publications that have been validated or submitted for validation can no longer be processed. However, there are some fields that are also enabled for subsequent editing. This includes the fields: Departments, research fields, research focus of the university, keywords, visibility, research category (only Faculty W), focus topic for Faculty W. In HISinOne-RES you can set whether the publications have to be submitted again for validation after re-editing or whether the changes are adopted without further review. Since Hohenheim has chosen the 2nd option, there are no change requests here (a change request would mean a the change is awaiting new validation) and this field is not relevant for the publication search. |
License | | You can select one or more Open Access licenses here and you will then receive a list of publications that have been published with this license. As the License field has only been available since 06 November 2024, the license type has not yet been recorded for most publications. |