Edit basic data of a course after scheduling and request a new room.

Scheduling is complete after the course catalog has been published on HohCampus. Subsequently, basic data of courses such as time, date, expected number of participants, lecturer, room are edited independently by the lecturers and their substitutes for the existing.

Please note that the room managers cannot change course data for you.
This can only be done by the lecturer/examiner responsible for this course or their substitute.

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As a lecturer/examiner or substitute, you can continue to edit the course content on your own in HohCampus after scheduling is complete.You can find out here how to become a substitute.


Only the content of courses may be changed. May not create new courses. Only the Dean's Office creates new courses! Please contact the Dean's Office responsible for you if you need a new course created.

Detailed instructions exist for editing non-teaching events. See the Training materials for Event Management (events other than courses)

Quick guide

  1. Edit courses as a lecturer/examiner or their substitute.
  2. In the event in the second tab Dates & Rooms on cancel room reservation,
    or via the yellow or green symbol in the column state of room request.
  3. In the actions column, adjust the “basic data of appointment series” (e.g. appointments, expected participants...).
  4. Submit a new room request.

Edit basic information in an existing course


  1. In the role of Event Management [OE], go to Course organization > Courses > Edit events.
  2. In the event in the second tab Dates & Rooms on cancel room reservation,
    or via the yellow or green symbol in the column state of room request.
  3. In the actions column, adjust the “basic data of appointment series” (e.g. appointments, expected participants...).
  4. Submit a new room request.

Create new parallel group and release it for students

If you create a new parallel group for a course, you must then “approve" the new parallel group. Only by setting the status “approved - publicly visible" can students see the data of the parallel group.

If you have any questions, please contact the Dean's Office responsible for you.


Für inhaltliche Fragen zur Stundenplanung wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihr Dekanat.

Fakultät A

Ivan Guzman Bustamante
0711 459 23477

Fakultät N

Svenja Schuhmacher
0711 459 22844

Nina Möller
0711 459 23990



Fakultät WiSo

Michael Feketitsch
0711 459 23562

Bei technischen Fragen zur Stundenplanung hilft Ihnen der HohCampus Support weiter.

Ansprechperson Prüfungsamt

Sind noch Fragen zum Eintragen der Prüfungstermine offen? Kontaktieren Sie gerne das Prüfungsamt: E-Mail

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