Search for third-party funded projects / project lists

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There are two basic ways to search for third-party funded projects and create project lists:

  • If you would like to retrieve a list of the externally funded projects to which you are assigned as an internal person, you can access your HohCampus personal details page (in the menu organization via search persons or view university structure). There, click on more under projects. This will take you to a search results list with your projects (see below).
  • To perform a different/general search, select search third-party funded projects from the HohCampus menu research or, if available in your role, select  edit third-party funded projects from the submenu third-party funded projects. Both options lead to the same search form described below.

The search form

You can enter appropriate search terms in the search fields or - for fields where a blue arrow is displayed on the right - select them using a drop-down menu. Some fields have a blue arrow on the left, with the possibility to select an = or a crossed out =. Here you can either search with the selected term or exclude it. You can combine as many search criteria as you like.

In the case of data migrated from the previously used legacy system LSF up to 2018, not all data may be included in full. This means that you may only see a few or no older titles when searching for certain criteria.

After opening the search form, you will first see the simple search with only a few search fields. By clicking on the magnifying glass button advanced search or simple search , you show/hide additional fields.

The i button “ search help ” will take you to a general help page about search forms. There you will find extensive assistance, including help for special search requirements.

If you frequently perform  a certain search with the same search criteria, you can create a search set using save search and load it again later.

Who can find and view my project?

Whether a certain project is visible to a certain person depends not only on the visibility setting that can be selected when editing the project data, but also on the personal role rights of the person viewing the project and the status the project has. Non-visible projects do not appear in search results lists and are not displayed to the viewer on person details pages or project pages.

Projects that have not (yet) been approved can only be seen and, if necessary, edited by the persons assigned to the project (project management, coordination, scientific staff) and admins in central facilities such as KIM and AF, as well as the facility admins of the project management(s). The selectable visibilities therefore only take effect once projects have been approved. The change of the visibility setting is reserved for the project management.

Search results

Here, the results of your search are first displayed in a table view, sorted in descending order by project title . Unless the list was called up from a person’s detail page, the search criteria in the table view is placed above the list. You have the following possibilities:

  • To link to the list, you can simply use the internet address (URL) from the address bar of your browser as the direct link . Please note:

    • In this link the search criteria are stored, not the search results. If the results change for identical search criteria (e.g. because an additional project has been added that meets the criteria), the same link will generate an adjusted results list.
    • Display and filter settings (see there) are not stored in the direct link.
    • Which results are displayed depends on which role the person accessing the link is using in HohCampus. Both the visibility and the status of a project can affect this. Examples: People assigned to a project will see it even if its visibility is set to hidden. Projects in status in preparation, submitted, requested to submit full application , and aborted cannot be seen by most people even if the visibility is already set to public.

  • Use the new search button to open a blank search form.
  • The button change search is available if you have reached the results list via the search form . This button will take you back to the previous search form. The search criteria you entered are still there.
  • The button back is available if you came to the result list from a detail page (of a person or a publication). This button will take you back to the previous detail page.
  • You can export the result list as CSV or Excel file. If a filter is active (see there), only the filtered list will be exported. However, the output columns are fixed, regardless of what you may select for edit table structure (see there). If the export job is started successfully, a green success message is displayed. Depending on how much data you are exporting, it may take a little while for your browser to place the finished file in the download directory or open a save dialog. You have two options to start the export:

    • Click on one of the two file icons. The job is started immediately with the default configuration. Note that in this case the column headers in the exported file consist of database field keys. To get the same column names as in the list displayed by the browser, please use the second option.
    • You select the type of export in the job menu (execute order) and then click on start. With the second method, before clicking start you have the option of adjusting the job configuration by clicking on the pencil icon that then appears. For example, you can check translate column names to output the column titles displayed in the browse as column names. Changes to the job configuration are not saved and have to be made again for each export.

  • The button show filter displays a filter field above each column. There you can enter filter criteria and apply them either by pressing the Enter key or by clicking the apply filter button (funnel icon in the actions column). With the crossed out filter symbol (undo filter) you reset all filter entries and get the original list. If you click on hide and undo filter (magnifying glass symbol where the filter had been shown), the filter fields are also hidden.
  • Use the button edit table structure to open an overlay window where you can modify the table display, e.g. hide columns. Click on save to permanently retain the changed display settings - then they will remain even if you log out of HohCampus. You can restore the default using the corresponding button in the overlay window.
  • In the table view, you can switch to a list view using the button list view and back again by clicking on table view . Not all options described here are available in the list view.
  • In the column actions , you can click on the magnifying glass icon (alternatively click on the project title) to get to the detail page of each listed project. If you have the necessary rights to edit or delete a project, the corresponding symbols (pencil / trash can) are active.
  • On the left below the list you can scroll through the pages (if there is more than one).
  • On the right below the list the number of hits and pages are indicated. You can also change the lines per page in the input field there (confirm with Enter or Tab key).
  • If you do not find a specific project, you can go directly to the entry form for new projects from the list of results by clicking on new project (below the list).